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Master's Degree in Materials Engineering,  Science Processing, and Characterisation Alcoi Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Master's Degree in Materials Engineering, Science Processing, and Characterisation

90 credits

Credit 35,34 €

25 openings


The Master's Degree in Materials Engineering, Processing and Characterisation is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge that covers the study of the structure, properties, processing and applications of all types of materials; metallic, ceramic, polymeric and biological. Materials characterisation and processing encompasses not only traditional structural materials but also functional materials, nanomaterials, ecomaterials and biomaterials. This young discipline is indispensable for enhancing industrial capacity, technological innovation and improving the quality of our lives. It also deals with studies of the behaviour of these materials, as well as the development of the latest technologies in the prediction of their behaviour.


The main objective is to offer students a unique opportunity to broaden their academic and technical training in the field of Next Generation Materials, their transformation possibilities and nanotechnologies. This training is focused on the initiation of their research career, as well as access to the labour market where they can apply the knowledge acquired in the master’s degree. It will also serve to prepare the student for undertaking the PhD programme.

The general objective of the degree is for students to acquire advanced training of a specialised and multidisciplinary nature, oriented towards academic specialisation. After this specialisation, students who so wish may begin research work within the lines of research promoted by the teaching staff participating in the master’s degree. In short, the aim is to form curricular lines with an interdisciplinary technical preparation; prepared to work with any kind of materials (metallic, polymeric, ceramic or biological), as well as their means of transformation.

The aim is to produce graduates with a high capacity for adaptation, both in research and in development and innovation. This master's degree is preferably aimed at graduates of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Chemistry, Mechanics, Industrial Design and Product Development.

The overall objectives are:

  • The characterisation of all kinds of material properties at any stage of their production and transformation process. They will be able to use conventional and some advanced techniques, as well as to interpret information obtained from sophisticated and innovative techniques.
  • The transformation of materials
  • The use of materials in conventional and advanced applications, including design, by means of advanced modelling and simulation tools, using materials with a wide variety of properties and in common and emerging applications (composites, nano, eco and biomaterials).
  • The manufacture of materials.
  • The use of nanomaterials, processing and characterisation.
  • The selection and design of materials for specific applications on the basis of relevant specifications.
  • Working in multidisciplinary groups that require a specialist in Materials Engineering and advanced manufacturing techniques with the ability to collaborate with professionals with other specialisations.
  • Research in teams requiring experts in Materials Science and Technology and their transformation for their performance.

Aimed at

  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Degree in Electrical Engineering, Degree in Chemical Engineering, Degree in Electronic Engineering, and Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering.
  • Industrial Technical Engineering (Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical, Chemical or Textile).
  • Technical Engineering in Computer Management and Degree in Computer Engineering with complements (4.5 ECTS in Materials Science I, and 4.5 ECTS in Production Systems and Industrial Manufacturing I to fit the access profile).
  • Any engineering degree. If the committee considers it necessary, the complements to be taken by the student must be 4.5 ECTS in Materials Science I, and 4.5 ECTS in Production Systems and Industrial Manufacturing I in order to adapt to the access profile.
  • Any international qualification equivalent in content to the previous ones.

Admission criteria

The prioritised list of degrees with access to the master’s degree is as follows:

  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Degree in Electrical Engineering, Degree in Chemical Engineering, Degree in Electronic Engineering, and Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering.
  • Industrial Technical Engineering (Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical, Chemical or Textile).
  • Technical Engineering in Computer Management and Degree in Computer Engineering with complements (4.5 ECTS in Materials Science I, and 4.5 ECTS in Production Systems and Industrial Manufacturing I to fit the access profile).
  • Any engineering degree. If the committee considers it necessary, the complements to be taken by the student must be 4.5 ECTS in Materials Science I, and 4.5 ECTS in Production Systems and Industrial Manufacturing I in order to adapt to the access profile.
  • Any international qualification equivalent in content to the previous ones.

In the above-mentioned degrees, based on the academic/professional record and its suitability to the profile, the selection criteria will be followed:

  • Average mark obtained in the academic record
  • Number of credits taken during the degree course
  • Professional curriculum of the student


Escola Politècnica Superior d'Alcoi (Higher Polytechnic School of Alcoi), UPV - campus d'Alcoi


The areas of knowledge involved in teaching are:

Area of Statistics and Operational Research

Materials Engineering

Chemical Engineering Area

Manufacturing Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Physical Chemistry Area

Applied Chemistry Area

Area of Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Structures

Textile and Paper Engineering Area

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