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Generic competences

Understanding and integration

Demonstrate the understanding and integration of knowledge both of one's own specialization and in other, broader contexts.

Understanding means "perceiving and having a clear idea of what is said, done or happening or discovering the profound meaning of something". To demonstrate that something has been understood, the person identifies and recovers the information and explains it in his own words, interpreting and integrating the ideas from his own perspective.

Application and practical thinking

Apply knowledge to practice, considering the information available, and establishing the process to follow to achieve the objectives effectively and efficiently.

The student, in real life, needs to be prepared to face situations in which it is not enough to apply recipes or formulas and in which the decisions or solutions that are proposed must be argued and accommodate the available resources. In this sense, this competence develops the way of thinking directed to action, which allows adapting to new situations, making decisions and, consequently, ACTING.

Analysis and problem solving

Analyze and solve problems effectively, identifying and defining the significant elements that constitute them.

Problems are new situations that require individuals to respond with new behaviors. Solving a problem involves performing tasks that demand complex reasoning processes and, in many cases, not simply an associative and routine action. The objective of this competence is, therefore, that the student can apply structured procedures to solve problems, thus promoting their ability to learn, understand and apply knowledge autonomously.

Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship

Innovate to respond satisfactorily and in an original way to personal, organizational and social needs and demands with an entrepreneurial attitude.

Innovation is understood as the ability to respond satisfactorily to personal, organizational and social needs, modifying processes and / or results to generate new value. In turn, the development of this competence requires both thinking in a different way to bring different perspectives (creativity), as well as committing certain resources on their own initiative, in order to explore an opportunity, assuming the risk that this entails (entrepreneurship).

Design and project

Design, direct and evaluate an idea effectively until it is finalized in a project.

A project is an effort that is carried out in a certain time to achieve the specific objective of designing and creating a unique service or product, by performing a series of tasks and an effective use of resources. The development of this competence favors the student to learn by doing and integrating knowledge and skills from different disciplinary areas, developing high-level intellectual skills, promoting learning and autonomous work, teamwork and self-evaluation.

Teamwork and leadership

Work and lead teams effectively to achieve common goals, contributing to the personal and professional development of them.

Teamwork involves creating and developing a climate of mutual trust between the components that allows working in a responsible and cooperative manner. The most appropriate term to describe this situation is SHARE: share knowledge, commitment and responsibility. It involves the distribution of tasks and roles and respect for the rules and rules of the game established by and for the group.

Ethical, environmental and professional responsibility

Act with ethical, environmental and professional responsibility before oneself and others.

This competence refers to the set of knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes, useful to interact with the environment, in an ethical, responsible and sustainable way, in order to avoid or diminish the negative effects produced by the inadequate practices caused by human activity. to promote the benefits that the professional activity in the environmental field may generate, considering its economic and social implications. Ethical responsibility refers to guiding human action in a rational sense, as it relates to actions and their moral value. Environmental responsibility is the immutability of a positive or negative assessment for the ecological impact of a decision and refers, generally, to damage caused to other species, to nature or future generations, by the actions or non-actions of another individual or group. Professional responsibility arises, at this point, as included within the moral responsibility, reaching the inside of our conscience and with two primary objectives: to avoid any voluntary failure and decrease, as far as possible, the number of involuntary failures due to human weakness, weakness own or negligence of others.

We are going to work on this competence in two dimensions: on the one hand, ethical and professional responsibility and, on the other hand, the environmental responsibility PROFESSIONAL

Effective communication

Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, appropriately using the necessary resources and adapting to the characteristics of the situation and the audience.

Communicating effectively means having the ability to transmit knowledge and express ideas and arguments in a clear, rigorous and convincing manner, both orally and in writing, using appropriate resources appropriately and adapting to the circumstances and the type of audience.

It is important to differentiate two dimensions within this competence: oral and written communication.

Critical thinking

Develop a critical thinking interested in the foundations on which the ideas, actions and judgments, both their own and those of others, are based.

Critical thinking goes beyond the skills of logical analysis, since it involves questioning the underlying assumptions in our habitual ways of thinking and acting and, based on that critical questioning, be prepared to think and do differently.

Critical thinking is the thought of the questions: why things like this are, why cannot things be otherwise, why do you think they are like this, etc. Consequently, we will say that a person has developed it to the extent that he questions himself about things and is interested in the foundations on which ideas, actions, assessments and judgments, both his own and those of others, are based.

Planning and time management

Plan adequately the time available and schedule the activities necessary to achieve the objectives, both academic-professional and personal.

This competence implies being able to organize and distribute correctly the time that we have and distribute it according to the activities necessary to reach our objectives in short, medium and long term.

Lifelong Learning

To use learning in a strategic, autonomous and flexible way, throughout life, depending on the objective pursued.

This competition is closely related to the idea of forming reflective professionals, who do not conform to routinely reproduce already known solutions, but seek to generate new solutions or solutions adapted to new situations. The reflective practice is based on three pillars: action or know-how; The knowledge we develop about our own knowledge and the control we have about how we use our knowledge in a particular activity.

Knowledge of contemporary problems

Identify and interpret contemporary problems in their field of specialization, as well as in other fields of knowledge.

This competition refers to the need for students to understand contemporary political, social, legal and environmental issues and values, as well as mechanisms for expanding and disseminating knowledge. It is about developing the ability to ' keep up ' with current events in their field of knowledge and in society at large.

In order to work on this competition, we have to look for training scenarios in which the students dialogue in depth these types of issues, being able to summarize the most relevant aspects and to defend a position on it. In the same way, it is very important that they learn to evaluate complex situations using different approaches, such as: economic aspects, quality of life, environmental impact, local and national policies...

Specific instruments

Use the updated techniques, skills and tools necessary for the practice of the profession.

 This competition refers to the use of the tools and technologies necessary for the professional practice associated with each qualification. The student will be able to identify the most appropriate tools in each case, knowing their utilities and being able to integrate them and combine them in order to solve a problem, to carry out a project or an experiment.

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