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Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering

90 credits

Credit 35,34 €

60 openings


Biomedical Engineering is the discipline which make use of the principles and methods of engineering for the comprehension, definition and solution of problems in biology and medicine.

The demand of engineers to develop, design and install medical instrumentation, as well as to train professional on the use of such instrumentation, has experienced a sharply growth according to the advances in medical technology. These essential aspects on medical technologies are nowadays considered in European directives and in the legislation of all developed countries.

The contents of this Inter-University Master's degree have been developed by professors from the Universitat Politéncia de Valencia and with the support of Industrial and telecommunications engineering superior technical schools with the purpose of offering a qualified and mixed training in the field of Biomedical Engineering.

For more information go to the international student's link where you can find in English information about the subjects and the process of admission.


The main objectives of this Master's degree is to train Biomedical Engineers capable of designing projects, developing devices, medical systems and medical instrumentation in hospital's technological departments, medical industry and research centers.

Eur-ACE International Label

Biomedical Engineering Master Program has been awarded by EUR-ACE accreditation system.

Master's structure

The Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering lasts 1.5 years (90 ECTS), where students must take different Subjects depending on the degree previously taken.

The entire structure can be consulted in a comprehensive and updated form in the course section.

In summary, there are two main access pathways with different contents:

OPTION A: access from the Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering

First Semester

  • Subject: Deep Learning and Systems 4.5 ECTS
  • Subject: Data analysis 4.5 ECTS
  • Subject: Precision medicine 4.5 ECTS
  • Subject: Design of devices and systems 4.5 ECTS
  • Subject: Biomedical Technologies II 9 ECTS
  • Subject: R+D Project 3 ECTS


Second Semester

  • Subject: Quality management and research 13.5 ECTS
  • Subject: Artificial intelligence in health 4.5 ECTS
  • Subject: Internships I 12 ECTS


Third Semester

  • Subject: Internships II* ECTS
  • Subject: Master's thesis 12 ECTS


*The student may take part of this Subject with other courses

Option B: access from related degrees

(Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Electronics and Automation, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering, Computer Engineering, Industrial Organisation Engineering, Energy Engineering and Physics Engineering)

First Semester

  • Subject: Fundamentals of Engineering 12 ECTS
  • Subject: Fundamentals of Health Science 18 ECTS


Second Semester

  • Subject: Quality management and research 13.5 ECTS
  • Subject: Artificial intelligence in health 4.5 ECTS
  • Subject: Internships I 12 ECTS


Third Semester

  • Subject: Deep Learning and Systems 4.5 ECTS
  • Subject: Data analysis 4.5 ECTS
  • Subject: Precision medicine 4.5 ECTS
  • Subject: Design of devices and systems 4.5 ECTS
  • Subject: Master's thesis 12 ECTS


Aimed at

  • Graduates in Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering.
  • Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering, Computer Engineering, Industrial Organisation Engineering, Energy Engineering and Physics Engineering.

Admission criteria

  • To be admitted to the master's degree programme, students must hold a Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering or the abovementioned qualifications.
  • Currículum


  • Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Universitat de València


  • Industrial Engineer's superior technical school
  • Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
  • Faculty of Physical Sciences

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