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Master's Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Master's Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

90 credits


35 openings


The Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (established in 1990) is the only Spanish university department that specializes in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property.

The Master's Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property is an EU-recognized university degree and is addressed to those students who want to broaden their professional or research skills in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural property.

The Master's Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage is a university degree officially recognised in the European Union. This master's degree, together with the Doctoral Programme in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, make up the Official Postgraduate Programme of the same name taught in the Department.


The fundamental objectives of the master's degree are to prepare its graduates for research in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural property, developing professional skills at the highest level, and enabling students to specialize in the conservation of paintings, sculptures, archaeology, textiles, graphic documents, contemporary art and other objects of historic value.

Specific objectives of the degree include helping the restorer to understand the essence of the work of art and its historical and aesthetic meaning, promoting multidisciplinary work and technical and scientific rigour, enhancing students' capacity to handle information sources and cultivating their capacity for critical evaluation.

The programme complements instruction with specific seminars, conferences and visits to places of historical interest. The master's degree has been incorporating new external teaching staff over the years, who provide high quality teaching. And, in addition, its facilities are located in the new building of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universitat Politècnica de València.

Aimed at

  • Spanish and/or foreign graduates in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.
  • Spanish and/or foreign graduates in Fine Arts specialising in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage or other university degrees with a specialisation in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.
  • Spanish and/or foreign graduates with degrees or other qualifications related to the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage who can access this Master's Degree and who the Academic Committee of the Master's Degree admits on the basis of their curriculum vitae.

Admission criteria

The student admission and selection procedure will be based on their degree qualification. The course's Academic Committee will assess the following aspects of the student's application: first, their degree (its affinity with the contents of the programme); secondly, their academic record; and finally, their CV.


Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

Participating centres

Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, Faculty of Fine Arts of Valencia and the University Institute of Heritage Restoration.

Cofinanced by

Ministry of Education


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