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Access and admission

4.2.1 Access requirements


The access requirements to the Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering have been established jointly by the UPV and UV for all pre-registered students, independently of whether the pre-registration has been performed in one university or another. These requirements are summarized in the following sections.


4.2.2 Specific access requirements


This Master’s degree has been designed using the UPV’s Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering as a reference, hence, those who have completed this Bachelor will be admitted as long as they meet the merit assessment criteria described in the following section. Likewise, those students who have graduated in Biomedical Engineering by any other Spanish university will be admitted as long as they meet the merit assessment criteria. For the rest of applicants who meet the access requirements, they must have completed other educational supplements, which will be considered as prerequisites for their admission.


4.2.3 Merit assessment and selection criteria


The applications received for the Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering will be evaluated by the Master’s Academic Committee according to the following merit assessment and selection criteria:


1.     Academic record

The assessment of the academic record will be expressed as a score ranged from 0 to 10, and the average mark of the Bachelor’s transcripts will be obtained.

In case of receiving academic transcripts with a different scale to the one used in Spain, the Governing Board’s Academic Committee will establish the equivalent values.

To be able to compare the qualifications from different Universities, the average mark of each applicant will be normalized according to the conditions ruling both universities.

2.     Correlation between the Bachelor studied and the reference Bachelor (Biomedical Engineering)

The correlation between the contents of the Bachelor studied by the applicant and the reference Bachelor will be evaluated by the Master’s Academic Committee, and it will be expressed as a score ranged from 0 to 10.

3.     Curriculum Vitae

The curriculum vitae of the applicant will be evaluated, especially work experience and foreign languages. The assessment criteria will be proposed by the Master’s Academic Committee, and it will be expressed as a scored ranged from 0 to 10.


The relative weights for each assessment criteria will be established by the Master’s administration centre (ERT) and will always lie within the following ranges:


1.     Academic record: 40-60%

2.     Correlation between the Bachelor studied and the reference Bachelor (Biomedical Engineering): 40-60%

3.     Curriculum Vitae: 0-10%


All the received applications will be ordered according to the score obtained. The applicants will be admitted by the established order, until all places have been covered. In case of renouncement, and provided there are still applications on the waiting list, the vacancies will be covered until all places have been completed or until the end of the waiting list.


Admission for disabled students


In case of admitting students with special educational needs derived from a disability, the support services and appropriate counselling will be established to evaluate the need to perform curricular or schedule adaptations, or alternative studies through the support of UPV’s CEDAT foundation and UV’s delegation for the inclusion of people with disabilities (DPD).


Students from foreign countries


Students from foreign countries where Spanish is not the official language, can enrol 80% of the Master’s Degree in English.


Publication of admission criteria


Admission criteria will be published through the UPV and UV’s institutional web pages.


4.2.4 Admission procedure


The admission procedure can be summarized in the following phases:


1. Preregistration. The applicant proceeds with the preregistration, handing the required documents, during the delivery period established by the university’s academic and procedure calendar.


2. Scaling. The Academic Committee will weigh the application according to the scaling of requirements and merits established for the Master, and will create the ordered list of applications.


3. Preadmission. The Academic Committee creates the list of admitted students, the waiting list, and the list of excluded students, and communicates them to the students involved.


4. Registration. The admitted students can proceed with the registration with the deadlines set.


The procedure for both the preregistration and the registration to the Master’s degree is described in both university’s web pages.


Universitat de València:


http://www.uv.es/uvweb/futurs-estudiants/es/admision-postgrado/masteres-U.de Valencia oficiales/requisitos-acceso-1285852745319.html


Universitat Politècnica de València:




4.2.5 Academic Committee


The gender-balanced Academic Committee will be formed by:


·       Directors of Centres

·       Heads of studies

·       Managers of adaptation to Centres

·       Academic Director of the Degree

·       4 members of Academic Departments which teach in the Degree

·       2 students

·       Centre’s Administrative Services’ chiefs


General information about access procedure is available in Students’ Services- Access

EMAS upv