60 credits
Credit 35,34 €
25 openings
This master's degree specialises in the latest integrated computer-aided design and manufacturing techniques. Nowadays, manufacturing goes hand in hand with the use of these technologies, so its contents will be directly applicable by students in their future professional activity. The knowledge obtained in this master's degree must enable students to go through all the stages of the life cycle of the product, from conceptual design to manufacturing and recycling.
The master's provides knowledge in: design and geometric modelling; simulation and analysis of behaviour of parts, products and processes; production planning; transport, storage, handling, processing and inspection techniques; management of the product's lifecycle; as well as other subjects and methodologies included or related to integrated manufacturing. All of the above is based on the subjects and the final master's dissertation taken by the students (FMD).
The main objective of the Master's Degree in Computer-Aided Integrated Manufacturing and Design is to professionally prepare students by implementing the theoretical/practical knowledge acquired. The best way to do this is through an internships and the FMD that, in most cases, are based in real problem solving in some of the sectors of our industrial environment.
Master's Internships are obligatory and are carried out at the request of the student in a company with which UPV has to sign an agreement. ETSED relies on the assistant director of human relations who is responsible for locating and selecting these companies.
The final Master's project can be carried out in an industrial or academic setting, with the opportunity of working either in companies, research institutes or in national or foreign universities. In all cases, the student is given the necessary knowledge in the ideal environment for the initiation of doctoral studies in Design, Manufacture and Industrial Project Management.
Since this degree is professional and instrumental, students who have completed any of the following degrees may be granted access:
(a) Degrees in Mechanical Engineering (GIM), in Industrial Technologies (GITI), Industrial Electronics and Automation (GIEIA), Aerospace (GIA) and other similar degrees.
(b) Degrees in Design Engineering and Product Development (GIDDP), Chemical (GIQ) and Electrical Engineering (GIE); Degree in Computer Engineering, Materials or Industrial Organisation; Topography and others similar to the above.
(c) Architecture, Fine Arts and other degrees related to the master's degree in question.
Students will be selected on the basis of an assessment of their academic record, their curricular orientation and, if necessary, a personal interview.
School of Design Engineering