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Master's Degree in Cooperation to the Development Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Master's Degree in Cooperation to the Development

90 credits

Credit 35,34 €

25 openings


The Master's Degree in Development Cooperation (interuniversity UVEG, UJI, UA, UMH) responds to the need for the five Valencian public universities to offer high-level training in Development Cooperation. The complexity and growing concern about issues of development and poverty have led international organisations, states and social entities to channel resources to a sector that requires qualified professionals with specific and interdisciplinary training.

In this area, the master's degree offers a common training in development cooperation and seven specialisations that cover the professional spectrum in this field. The UPV offers a specialisation in Project Management and Development Processes.


  • To increase knowledge of the economic, social and political forces that explain and cause poverty and inequality.
  • To provide criteria for analysing the political, social, economic and cultural reality in which the approaches and themes of the new culture of cooperation are contextualised.
  • To critically examine operational strategies on the quality and effectiveness of the concept of development cooperation.
  • To develop skills for the design, planning, management and evaluation of development interventions in policies, plans, programmes and projects.

Aimed at

  • Graduates who wish to train as development cooperation professionals.
  • Working professionals who wish to perfect their knowledge of concepts and instruments, as well as improve their skills and abilities in the use of techniques and methodologies for the implementation and/or articulation of cooperation strategies.
  • Public officials directly or indirectly linked to cooperation, development workers, NGO members and volunteers.

Admission criteria

  • To gain admission to the Master's Degree in Development Cooperation, students must submit their CV and a letter of motivation. Subsequently, they will be called for an interview where they will be able to express the reasons why they want to join the master’s degree programme.
  • A certain degree of priority will be given to those who have carried out some kind of activity related to the fields of study of the master's degree, although experience as such is not used as an excluding criterion.


  • Department of Engineering Projects
  • Master's Degree in Development Cooperation


  • Dept. of Economics and Social Sciences; Dept. of Rural and Agrifood Engineering; Dept. of Business Organisation; Dept. of Construction Engineering and Civil Engineering Projects (UPV).
  • Univ. of València; Jaume I University of Castelló; Univ. of Alicante; Miguel Hernández University of Elche;Valencian Coordinating Committee of Non-Governmental Development Organisations; Oxfam-Intermón; Centre for Rural Studies and International Agriculture; InteRed; Intercultures; Solidarity Association Peripheries of the World; Farmamundi; La Gavella; Centre for Development Cooperation (UPV); Development Cooperation and Migration Service, Department of Development Cooperation and Migration (Valencia City Council); Directorate-General for Cooperation and Solidarity of the Regional Ministry for Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Quality (Government of Valencia).

EMAS upv