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Descripción del título



The Master's Degree in Civil Engineering overlaps with the Master's Degree in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering in the areas of structural and Geotechnical engineering; however, the former qualifies students to practice the regulated profession of Civil Engineer, while the latter is a specialised Master's Degree oriented towards the field of structural and Geotechnical engineering, not only from a professional but also from a scientific point of view. In this specific case, a student who wants to acquire the professional competencies to practice Civil Engineering and, in addition, wants a professional or research specialisation in structural and Geotechnical engineering should take both master's degrees separately

This joint double degree between the two master's presented in this proposal offers students an integrated academic pathway for the completion of a PhD or professional specialisation, together with the acquisition of the competencies that enable them to practise the profession of Civil Engineering, all at a lower time and financial cost for the student than the cost of obtaining both master's degrees individually.


Number of credits

The student will study a total of 150.0 ECTS, including 12.0 ECTS corresponding to the MUICCP TFM (Master's Thesis) and 12.0 ECTS corresponding to the MUIEG TFM (Master's Thesis). The temporal distribution organises the double degree in a total of 5 four-month periods. This represents a saving of 60 ECTS credits and approximately two semesters of teaching.

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